How accurate are gender prediction myths anyway? I’m taking a look today at 21 common myths to guess whether baby #3 is going to be another girl or our first boy!
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I should have gotten the Verifi blood test done.
At least, that’s what I’ve started wondering these days. For some reason, I thought that the Husband and I knew the gender of our first two babies by the 18-week point.
Sunday, I officially turned 18 weeks pregnant. And I just found out that the hospital won’t schedule my next ultrasound until May 11th! That means I’ll be 22 weeks along before we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.
There’s a reason my parents always tried to tell me to learn more patience. *sigh*
On another note, it’s actually really hard to believe that I’m almost halfway through this pregnancy. Time truly is flying by.
The Husband and I have been trying to spend more free time with our two girls because we know things are just going to get crazy in a few short months. Then again, sometimes I have to stop and remember that this is actually happening.
We’re going to be outnumbered by our kids. That should teach me some patience, shouldn’t it?
Since I have to wait for nearly four more weeks, I thought it would be fun to take a few of the online gender prediction tests. If I can’t get results right now from an ultrasound, and since it’s too late to take the Verifi test, I might as well test the waters of the unscientific and unreliable, right?
UPDATE >>>> Click here to see what the ultrasound revealed!
21 Gender Prediction Myths Tested
The Questions:
1. How are you carrying?
High = Boy/Girl Low = Boy/Girl.
My Response: Ummm…chubby? Lopsided? I don’t get those cute little baby bumps like some women. But when I’m lying down it’s obvious that baby’s completely on the right side.
Score: Girl 0, Boy 0, Who knows: 1
2. Baby’s Heart Rate
140 bpm or less = boy. Higher = girl.
My Response: This little one’s heart rate seems to be the lowest of any of the kids yet, hovering around 144 for the last couple measurements. (Though I do love the silly home heartbeat monitors. They always make me wonder just how fast the heart is beating)
Score: Girl 1, Boy 0, Who knows: 1
3. How is your skin?
Clearer = boy, Worse = girl
My Response: My skin is clearer than it’s been in years. I’m loving it!
Score: Girl 1, Boy 1, Who knows: 1
4. Nausea
Yes = girl. No = boy.
My Response: Y’all know I’ve had morning sickness with this pregnancy. It’s probably a little better than it was with L, but I hardly had any with T, so who knows. And it’s still sticking around. Yuck. Thank goodness for Preggie Pops, ginger ale, and saltines.
Score: Girl, 2, Boy 1, Who knows 1
5. Cravings
Sweet = girl, Sour = boy.
My Response: Umm, neither. Sadly, I’ve been craving lots of flavorful ethnic foods, and liquor. No matter what I crave, it always seems to make me sick. (Boo!) In the end, my mood switches back and forth between craving salty and sweet.
Score: Girl 2, Boy 1, Who knows 2
6. Leg Hair
More hair = boy. Less hair = girl
My Response: I’ve definitely noticed a slowdown in the growth of my leg hair. I can finally skip a day of shaving every now and then!
Score: Girl 3, Boy 1, Who knows 2
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7. Husband’s Family History
More brothers = boy More girls = girl.
My Response: The Husband has no sisters and one brother. With two girls already, I think I’ve lost any trust in this myth. But we’ll count it just for fun.
Score: Girl 3, Boy 2, Who knows 2
8. Belly shape
Front = boy Hips/Butt/Thighs = girl.
My Response: What’s a naturally pear-shaped girl supposed to say? I’ll calling this one a “front” carry, but just barely. I often feel like I look chubby from the side, but pregnant from the front. How would you score this one?
Score: Girl 3, Boy 3, Who knows: 2
9. How cold do your feet feel?
Colder = boy Warmer = girl.
My Response: My feet are always cold. Though I find they’re not cold as often lately, only because I don’t need my space heater at work as much. But then again…it is spring. Hmm. Calling this a ‘who knows’.
Score: Girl: 3, Boy 3, Who knows: 3
10. More about cravings
Fruit = girl Meat/Cheese = boy.
My Response: I definitely want meat more often than fruit. But again, I was that same way with L.
Score: Girl 3, Boy 4, Who knows: 3
11. Dad gaining weight
Yes = Boy No = Girl.
My Response: The Husband definitely hasn’t been gaining weight during my pregnancy. Of course, he’s training for a half marathon, too. Though this year he’s not losing weight nearly as quickly as he did when he trained for the 10k last year.
Score: Girl 4, Boy 4, Who knows 3
12. The size of your nose.
Bigger = Boy Smaller/No Change = Girl.
My Response: Where does this stuff come from? Will an increase in hormones cause spontaneous development of new cartilage? WTH? No change in nose size, duh.
Score: Girl 5, Boy 4, Who knows 3
13. Chest size. (hubba, hubba)
Bigger = Boys. No change/Smaller = Girl.
My Response: Dear Lord, my chest. Well, let’s just say that I had to pull out my old nursing bras almost immediately. The Husband is thrilled.
Score: Girl 5, Boy 5, Who knows 3
14. Urine color.
Bright = Boy Dull = Girl.
My Response: Eeeewww. Do I really have to answer this? Nausea is more likely the culprit since I can’t stomach plain water, but I suppose you could call it bright.
Score: Girl 5, Boy 6, Who knows 3
15. Timing of intercourse.
Before ovulation = Girl, Day of/after ovulation = Boy
My Response: After tracking my cycles most of the previous 8 years, we actually don’t really know when I ovulated. (oops!) Our best guess is that it was either the day of or up to two days before that egg broke free.
Score: Girl 6, Boy 6, Who knows 3
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16. Dry skin
Yes = Boy, No = Girl
My Response: This I can definitely call. Even though it’s spring, the skin on my hands is cracked from dryness. Thank goodness for Cetaphil cream. That stuff is the BEST
Score: Girl 6, Boy 7, Who knows 3
17. Eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Yes = Boy No = Girl
My Response: Not my first choice, but I will if I’m hungry enough.
Score: Girl 7, Boy 7, Who knows 3
18. Age at conception + Month at conception =
Even Number = Boy, Odd Number = Girl
My Response: Definitely even. Score 1 for the boys!
Score: Girl 7, Boy 8, Who Knows 3
19. Hair
Full/Shiny = Boy Thin/Stringy = Girl
My Response: My hair has always been super thin and stringy. I haven’t noticed any change in the texture other than fewer strands coming out. But there’s no way I’d call it full and shiny.
Score: Girl 7, Boy 8, Who Knows 4
20. Nail growth.
Faster/Stronger = Boy, Same/Less Strong = Girl
My Response: Definitely stronger. Thank you prenatal vitamins.
Score: Girl 7, Boy, 9, Who knows 4
21. Bigger tush
Yes = Boy No = Girl
My Response: Umm. I don’t think it’s bigger. But it wasn’t small to begin with, so who knows?
The Results
Here are what a few of the different gender prediction websites said:
Babymed: 53.3% chance girl, 46.7% chance boy.
Babble: Don’t know. Boy Girl
Babymed: Girl
And my favorite from Just Mommies (I crack up every time I see that percentage!)
Were gender prediction myths accurate for you?
What do you think based on these questions?
Click here to see what the ultrasound revealed!
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[…] Pregnancy Update and Gender Prediction Quizzes – From Play Dates to Parties says: March 17, 2016 at 12:53 pm […]