Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope that all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend. Our festivities started on Friday with a Mother’s Day ‘tea’ at T’s school. The kids all sang songs for us and shared juice and fruit salads over handmade placemats, clay handprints and handmade butterfly buttons. It was as kitschy and adorable as it sounds. Saturday night we took the Husband’s parents out for a big dinner.
Sunday we slept in and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and the girls decided to give me an impromptu pedicure. T painted a pink base coat and then L put quite a layer of glitter polish over the pink…and several of my toes. But I must admit that once the extra glitter was cleaned off, these toes don’t look too bad!
We took the kids to the park to run off some steam and then came home and let them watch a movie while the Husband made dinner. Clearly the excitement of the weekend got to L since she fell asleep right in the middle of the movie.
But Mother’s Day e didn’t end there for us. After waiting weeks longer than expected, we finally had baby 3’s anatomy ultrasound yesterday. The Husband and I waited anxiously throughout the ultrasound as we saw the baby’s heartbeat, nose, arms and legs. The little one was wiggling around a little bit and got a good case of the hiccups, too. But then at the very end, the technician told us the news…
…so there you have our big news. We’re thrilled to get the chance to add a little boy to our family; especially since I’ve been warned by OBs not to have more than three pregnancies. So this was basically our last chance. Plus, it means I get to totally redesign the nursery and shop for little boy clothes now! We couldn’t wait to tell the girls, but still wanted to make it fun for them, so we surprised them after school with a special treat:
My apologies for the tiny picture above. It seems that no matter what photo host I use, my tall images keep getting drastically scaled down when they’re uploaded (so frustrating). In any case, T was a little sad that she’s not getting another sister, but she got over it quickly. L doesn’t really understand yet, but is telling us she’s excited about having a baby brother.
How was your mother’s day?
Any advice for raising boys vs. girls?
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[…] Click here to see what the ultrasound revealed! […]