
for kids

Tea party games


From classic favorites to new twists, these easy tea party games will have everyone laughing, chatting, and having fun from start to finish.


Keep it age appropriate.

If you're hosting little kids, don't stress yourself out planning too many structured activities. Instead, keep activities short, simple, and easy for  them to navigate.


printable games to play

Playing charades is a fun way to get everyone up and moving. These feminine floral charades cards come with a blank set so you can fill in prompts that match your guests ages and abilities.



These bingo cards feature fun and colorful designs with tea party themed images. The cards are perfect for younger children, with larger cards that are easy to read and play.



This printable find the teacup party game is perfect for birthday parties, holidays, and tea parties for women. It is a cute, quick, and easy game to play that is perfect for little ones.

Find the Teacup

A coloring station is a simple way to give children a self-directed activity whenever they need a few quiet moments. Use the link below to see some tea party themed pages.

Coloring pages

Interactive tea party games

Easy Ideas:

a few

Pin the Teacup on the Saucer

Selfie Station

Hat Decorating

This board game was a huge hit with our daughter. Best of all, there's no reading or math skills necessary, which makes it a fun and easy game for little kids.

Pretty pretty princess

Don't forget to let the kids simply enjoy serving tea to each other!

Want to see even more tea party games for kids (and other occasions?) Use the link below to see all our recommendations.
